All my original work is copyright protected; if you share, please cite the source.

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Puzzle Boy Necklace

Shrinky Dinked Marcel Dzama's Puzzle Boy mounted on pink silk and repurposed kimono material:

Now, I really must do some work!

Marcel Dzama Shrinky Dink Pins

I made some Shriny Dinks with Marcel Dzama's little drawings in The Berlin Years.  They made pretty neat pins:


Man in a Robot Suit

 Creature down a hole in the ground

 Glue being put on a rabbit

Man inside a Slug Costume

Puzzle Head- (I've had many days like this recently, please return any extra puzzle pieces you may have)

Well that was fun.  I better do some real work now.  Hope you are enjoying your post-turkey days and eating some yummy leftovers.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Singing Art

Sidney Nolan - The Trial


Dana Schultz

Unknown to me, but if you know please tell me.

Julie Pott Whale Hill Fox

Art singing to my soul....hope I can answer soon.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Best in Show: Upcycled Blazer

So I just wore this masterpiece to do the grocery shopping-  there was a gentleman there dressed in 1930's red plaid Woolrich hunting pants and top,  he was certainly the "best in show" today!

Drawings of the Days

Over the last few weeks these emerged...from somewhere.

Loops, dots, and circles

Leaf dance

Fly away


Yes,  do let me.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Lotus Flowers Blog

The Lotus Flowers Blog

This blog is part of a service learning project that my students in Macro Perspectives in Human Services are completing this Fall semester.  I am very proud of the work they have done and how they are applying  their knowledge, skill, and compassion to the project.  Check out their site!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lovely...for you

Some stuff I made today:  Transplant your rant necklace

Bottle cap, wire, beads, fishing hook thingy, and a beaded bee.

Button:  Lovely.... for you

Ok...back to my real life...

Snow Day

As I think of the coming winter some snow days from my past have emerged.

The Buffalo house- it usually looked like this all winter long!

Crater Lake,  Oregon- Mac and I snowshoed in through 17 feet (yes that's correct!!) of snow.
Looking forward to a snowy winter here in the green mountains of Vermont!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Turning on Axis

 Chocolate, making stuff, and napping.....yup starting to feel better already.


Lovely for you necklace- bottle cap, beads and wire

Cow bracelet

more chocolate.