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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Some Pictures of This and That

Today was the Vermont State Colleges Academic Retreat, and an opportunity for me to take photos of random stuff:

The view on the way to the retreat

Some student mentors for the bus loads of 10th graders coming to the leadership conference

The view on the way home

The retreat was....well retreaty and the ride home was stunningly beautiful, as only Vermont can be.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Just Another Day in the Neighborhood

Some more experiments with my new camera:

What is that green color behind Julija?  Well, let me tell you- we finally painted the molting side of the house.  Looking pretty good if I do say so myself, and the neighbors are so happy about the change!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The St. Johnsbury Farmer's Market

Saturday is wonderful for many reasons, not the least of which is the Farmer's Market.  The walk down to the market is usually an adventure as well.

Looking forward to Bailiwicks opening.  I never got the chance to eat at Elements before it closed, so I am committed to having a meal at Baili.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My New Toy

I got a new camera.  Sony NEX-5N

Some practice shots with different settings:

Time to play some more.