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Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Week in Rhode Island Part 2: (dead things)

A Week in Rhode Island Part 1

We had a terrific time in Narragansett playing with baby Catherine and Sarah, Eric, Allie, and Evelyn. Too many trips to the ice cream shop, but hopefully the walks on the beach counteracted the high level of ice cream intake!

Some random pictures:

This is where the corn meal Mac uses for Johnny Cakes comes from

more pictures to come.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Planet Earth

just right.

Time Dance

Drawing, packing for a week in RI, grading papers, and melting in the heat.  Happy day after Summer Solstice!


Julija brought some strawberries home from Chandler Pond Farm and they are delicious!  Organic farming rocks!

Julija is heading off to Castleton State College to be a SOS leader for the incoming freshman.  This is a milestone, as she is driving herself there and back.  Time flies....babies grow up and bring you strawberries while taking your car for the weekend.

Yet, always my little baby.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Marching Bears

Mac saw a bear today after his hike, and later we saw these honey bears.

I like this green.

Honey bears and green benches....summer I love you.


This is the final version of my first project for the Illustration Software course I am taking this summer:

1 project left.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Meri's Meadow

Mac and I took a walk into the Arlington Woods, something I have wanted to do for a long while.  We came upon the trail sign, of which, one route was Meri's Meadow. That's the trail we took.

I'm excited to go back and discover where the other trails lead.